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Social Media

Social Media Standards

Social media provides platforms for departments and teams across all our campuses to interact with the Cornerstone, Lakeway, and Tri-Cities communities no matter where they are.

As social media has become an increasingly central part of people’s lives, users are able to get information from trusted sources in ways that weren’t possible before. For a school, that means new opportunities to share and new challenges in ensuring that the messages we communicate are not only heard, but acted on as well.

The heart of social media, and what makes it “social,” is the two-way communication, interaction, and sharing of information that takes place between users.

Social media is not about talking at people, it’s about talking with people. We are asking that when creating an account, please be prepared to update it at least 2-3 times per week year round. This will help our search rankings on Google, etc stay up. Groups with "non-active" social media accounts can be moved down in search rankings on Google and other platforms.

Before creating social media accounts for your department or unit, there are a few questions your office should address:

  • Which social platform(s) are you interested in joining and why?
  • Are there communication needs that aren’t currently being addressed by the school’s website, newsletter, or other properties?
  • Does the office have the resources to maintain a social presence (i.e. someone who can write/create/curate content on a regular basis, answer questions, etc.)?

Top 10 Social Media Tips

The points below will help guide you as you navigate managing your unit’s official social media accounts.

  • Take care of your social media audience the way you would take care of a pet. Lots of attention; feed regularly.
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread.
  • Social media can be a fun way to interact with your followers. This does not make it any less a professional avenue of communication.
  • Social media accounts managed by teams or departments represent that group and the school/school system. They should not be used to express the ideas or opinions of individual staff or faculty members.
  • Social media is not an 8 to 5 job, but you should give yourself a curfew—with the exception of emergency situations, if this applies to your office.
  • Follow other LCS accounts and rely on our campus’s social community for help.
  • Know your audience across your platforms. Your Facebook users will differ from your Instagram users.
  • Include photos or other media whenever possible. These posts will have more engagement.
  • Make the most of your Twitter interactions by adding a character before the @ symbol. Think of this as a reply all, as more of your followers will see them. You also can quote tweets if you want to add a comment when re-tweeting.
  • Tag other Cornerstone, Lakeway, and Tri-Cities accounts in your tweets and Instagram and Facebook posts if you think the content may be relative to them or their followers. On Twitter, you can tag other users in photos without using up additional characters.

Starting a new account?

We are standardizing the format of all social media handles for official school use accounts:

For Lakeway Christian Academy please use "LCALions_xxxxxxxx"
For Cornerstone Christian Academy please use "CCACubs_xxxxxxx"
For Tri-Cities Christian Academy please use "TCAEagles_xxxxxxx"

All account logins and passwords must be recorded with the Communications Department, please fill out the form below

‍All Social Media Accounts are subject to review and deletion of any posts deemed inappropriate or not in line with our school policies and beliefs. A direct message and email will be sent to the account/account owner if a post is deleted.