LCS System Logo
The System Wordmark or 3 Crest Logo is used when representing the full school system.
Color Variations
All Logos are available in four color variations. They may not appear in any color other than what is listed below.
One Color Logos
Black / White versions are approved only as a photo copy and should be used for internal purposes.
One-color option must be blue, gray or white on an approved color background. The Cub, Lion, and Eagle faces must always remain white.
Clear Space
Clear space is necessary to provide breathing room around the logo. This space, equivalent to at least the height or width of the "LCS crown", must be kept clear of any other design element for all Wordmarks. All other Logo PNGs and files have correct clear space included.
Minimum Size
To ensure legibility, logos must not be reduced beyond the following defined minimum size.
To request access to Logos please email