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About Tri-Cities Academy

God has granted us a great vision at Tri-Cities Christian Academy (TCA) to provide an exceptional Christ-centered education to families living in the Tri-Cities area that is not only affordable, but also treasures the word of God above all.
We partner with families in helping their 3rd grade thru 12th grade students excel spiritually, academically, socially, athletically, and mentally. Building a strong educational foundation with a unique learning experience for our children is a priority at TCA.
At TCA, we’re committed to academic excellence, competitive athletics, and fostering an environment for unbridled student creativity in music and the arts. We’re thankful to be part of the East Tennessee community and dedicated to educating your child in a Christ-centered environment unlike anywhere else.
Two children posing for a picture


Partnering with families to provide a Christ-centered and academically challenging education, equipping students with a biblical worldview and a heart for Christ, that they may grow in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and man.


To prepare our graduates both spiritually and academically to become leaders who influence the world for Christ.

Care Values

At the center of Lakeway Christian Schools (LCS) is Jesus. We place our trust, hope, and faith in Him and are dedicated to pursuing excellence in teaching, leading, and growing a generation of Christ followers in truth. The following CARE values are the heartbeat of LCS. LCS, including Cornerstone Christian Academy, Lakeway Christian Academy, and Tri-Cities Christian Academy, hold to the following values:

We will be Christ-centered in all that we are and in all that we do. We seek to create Christian environments where students can be introduced to the supremacy of Christ in all
matters. We will seek to establish all aspects of life and learning on the Word of God, leading to a firm commitment to Christ and His Kingdom. Our faculty and staff will seek to integrate Christian faith in all learning and doing, based on the supposition that all truth is God's truth with no contradiction between Holy Scripture and that which is revealed through creation.
& Affordable
Being Christ-centered, we follow Jesus's example of making Himself available to all that would come to Him. He did not set Himself aside for the most privileged or the most affluent, but rather was welcoming to all that wanted to hear. Therefore our goal is to provide an opportunity for Christian education to as many students and families as possible.
Our desire is for each student to know Christ personally by faith. Additionally hearing His command to love one another. we seek to create a culture focused on godly relationships where both our faculty and students visibly demonstrate their love and value for one another. Finally, we will commit to being a witness of Christ's love to the world in all of our words and actions.
We believe that we are called to equip and develop students to possess a biblical worldview and a heart for Christ that they may grow in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man. Therefore, we believe that a commitment to excellence must motivate all that we do. This comes from a desire to do all things for God's glory. Thus, we dedicate ourselves to excellence in every area of our school system. It is our desire that each student develop a lifelong love of learning, impacting our world for the cause of Christ.
The future is very bright for all four Lakeway Christian Schools, but in order to truly appreciate all that God is doing, we need to take a look at how it began...

Cornerstone Christian Academy was established in 2006 to provide Christian education to Prek-12th grade students in Morristown, TN.

Lakeway Christian Academy was then established in 2018. Together, LCA became the middle and high school, while CCA became the PreK-5th grade elementary school. Both schools continued to use the campus of Cornerstone while the new LCA campus was being built.

In 2020, LCA moved into their brand new, state of the art facility in White Pine, TN on Hwy 81 south just off exit 4.
LCA and CCA now combine for over 1000 students.

Lakeway Christian Schools then expanded again when Tri-Cities Christian Academy opened its doors in 2020. TCA was established to offer an affordable, Christian education in the Tri-Cities area, and moved into the building of a former school that had recently closed.

A 75-acre property was purchased near the Tri-Cities Crossing exit and is where the future home of TCA is currently being constructed. This site will house the over 240,000 sq ft academic building, football stadium and athletic facilities for tennis, soccer, track, baseball and softball. Two gymnasiums, weightrooms, indoor turf practice field and 800 seat performing arts auditorium will all be a part of the beautiful new campus.

TCA quickly grew from 120 students in 2020 to over 450 in just three years. The Lord offered an opportunity to expand even further when a church campus became available for purchase. A quick renovation was able to be done and TCA's PreK-2nd grades moved into the new facility to start the 2022 school year as the latest addition to the LCS family when Boones Creek Christian Academy was established.

Lakeway Christian Schools (LCS) consists of Cornerstone Christian Academy (CCA) in Morristown, Lakeway Christian Academy (LCA) in White Pine, Tri-Cities Christian Academy (TCA) in Blountville and Boone Creek Christian Academy (BCCA) in Johnson City and serves over 1400 students in the system.

Statement of Faith

We believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord.  Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and was born of a virgin, Mary.  He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. On the third day He rose again from the dead.  He ascended into Heaven, where He sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.  From Heaven He shall come to earth again to judge the living and the dead.  We believe in the Holy Spirit, one holy Christian church, the communion of all true saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the gift of everlasting life.

-The Apostles' Creed

On God
On Jesus Christ
On the Holy Spirit
On the Holy Scriptures
On Salvation
On the Resurrection
On the Church
On Man


All Lakeway Christian Schools hold a K-12 accreditation through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and Cognia (formerly AdvancEd).

Cognia is the world leader in providing improvement and accreditation services to education providers of all types in their pursuit of excellence in serving students. Cognia serves as a trusted partner to more than 32,000 schools and school systems.
There are currently no updates. Check back regularly for news and important information!


1500 Hwy 75
Blountville, TN  37617
Phone: (423) 323-7129


Landon Gray
Head of Schools, LCS
David McVicker
Director of Academic Excellence, LCS
Victoria Voiles
Director of Communications and Advancement, LCS
Glen Foster
Director of Operations
Jeffrey Hawkins
Principal, TCA


Jeff Beverly
Teacher, PE, HS Weights
Tabra Beverly
Teacher, 4th Grade
Lydia Blessing
Teacher, Praise and Worship, Bible, Christian Life
Jeremy Bosken
Athletic Director/Head Football Coach
Ashley Casaday
Teacher, Elementary PE; Assistant AD
Kerry Dixon
Teacher, Bible
Stephanie Farrell
Teacher, Math
Patti Greene
Teacher, Math, Science
Daphne Hawkins
Teacher, History
Lynn Kain
Teacher, Theatre/Chorus
Carrie Kindle
Teacher, Art
Crystal King
Teacher, 6th Grade ELA and History
Trent McClure
Teacher, Bible
Rachel Myers
Teacher, 3rd Grade
Travis Pate
Teacher, Music
Chelsey Powell
Teacher, Art, Yearbook
Tyrone Smith
Teacher, PE, Boys Basketball Coach
Samantha Strickland
Teacher, Science
Ray Sybert
Head Softball Coach
Alexis Taylor
Teacher, 3rd Grade
Jessica Thomas
Teacher, Spanish
Laura Williams
Teacher, English
Melissa Williams
Teacher, 5th Grade

Support Staff

Megan Buttry
IT Coordinator
Ann Campbell
Rachel Cochlough
Cafeteria Assistant
Frances Doyle
Cafeteria Assistant
Abby McClure
School Counselor
Amy Robinson
Mallory Smith
Communications and Event Coordinator
Josh Smith
Facilities Director
Jennifer Turner
Cafeteria Manager
Mike Wallace
Security Director

Systemwide Leadership

Dr. Robert Brown
Executive Director, LCS
Nicole Buchanan
Director of Finance, LCS
Dr. Kevin Cline
Superintendent, LCS
Sarah Ezell
Director of Nutrition Services, LCS
Landon Gray
Head of Schools, LCS
David McVicker
Director of Academic Excellence, LCS
Brett Moore
Director of Christian Life, LCS
Tyler Vineyard
Chief Financial Officer, LCS
Victoria Voiles
Director of Communications and Advancement, LCS
Mission, Vision, & Care Values
Statement of Faith
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Our Team