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Post-Secondary Planning

We want you to be prepared for education after high school! Below, you'll find scholarship opportunities to help in your post-secondary planning.

Scholarship Information

Morristown Hamblen Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Application

TN State Financial Aid Information

Live 2023-24 FAFSA walkthroughs are hosted by THEC/TSAC each Monday.

The outreach team is conducting FAFSA walkthroughs every Monday evening at 6:00p.m. (CT) starting January 23 through February 27.  Parents and students must register for the Monday night webinar that works best with their schedule at https://www.collegefortn.org/student-webinars/.

Ned McWherter Scholars Program

The McWherter application is now available through the TSAC Student Portal. To apply, students must have achieved a 29+ ACT composite (1340+ SAT) and 3.5 unweighted GPA.  ACT superscores cannot be used for qualification. Beyond completing the McWherter application, students must submit their highest ACT or SAT score and an official 7th semester high school transcript by emailing McWherter.Info@tn.gov or uploading to secure TNCloud folder (password McWherter2324!).  Deadline for submission of all material is February 15, 2023.

A collage of students at LCA